Predators of turtle eggs and hatchlings are a threat to marine turtle populations. Since 2018, the North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program has worked in partnership with various stakeholders to monitor and control predators, particularly red foxes, at the remote Mundabullangana Station on the Pilbara coastline.
Motion camera traps were set up to record 34 flatback turtle nests over seven weeks of the 2024 nesting season. Movement that was detected at the nest triggered the cameras to record, identifying potential predators.
Overall, no nests were predated during the egg incubation stage, while four of the 34 nests (11.8%) were predated while hatchlings were emerging. The predators observed on the beach included the European red fox in low density, night herons, sea gulls, crows, raptors and goanna.
These results are promising for Mundabullangana, with much lower levels of fox predation than previously seen! This is likely due to the effective collaboration between NWSFTCP, DBCA’s Pilbara regional staff, DBCA’s Invasive Animal Program, Stantec and Chevron, and the Mundabullangana Station staff to conduct regular and extensive fox control at the station. The NWSFTCP value the ongoing relationship with Mike Thomson and Mundabullangana Station to manage foxes along this coastline. It’s a win for the flatback turtles!
Photo - DBCA